Texas Recycles Day
Texas Recycles Day is November 15 and it is a statewide campaigned aimed towards education and awareness about the benefits of waste reduction and recycling. For more information on the TRD program, visit www.texasrecyclesday.org.
Celebrate Texas Recycles Day
Plano’s Texas Recycles Day
November 12, 2022
Saturday 8:30am-12pm
In association with Texas Recycles Day, the city of Plano and Live Green in Plano will host an event to collect recyclables at Chase Oaks Church, 281 Legacy Drive.
- All Televisions and Monitors
- All Computers and Components
- All Wires and Cables
- All Network & Communication Equipment
- All Consumer Electronics
- All Audio/ Video Equipment
- Batteries and Backups
- Kitchen Appliances (ex. blenders, microwaves, scales, mixers)
Please note: we have recycling fees for the following items
- TVs- $25
- CRT Monitors- $10
- Printers, copiers, and fax machines- $5
Additionally our shredding company Mobile Shred It will be there for paper shredding. This service will be free to the Plano residents (two-box limit). All paper is shredded on-site at the event. To learn more about what we shred, please visit. We do ask to please remove large binder clips, plastic, binders, and magnets. Once shredded, all paper is recycled, adhering to our zero-landfill initiative for sustainability.
For further information, please visit https://www.plano.gov/649/Texas-Recycles-Day
UTA’s America Recycles Day
November 16, 2022
Tuesday 2pm-4pm
In association with America Recycles Day, UTA’s Department of Sustainability will host an event for the UTA community to collect recyclables at the UC Mall, 300 W. First St., Arlington Tx.
- Electronic Equipment
- Computer Equipment (Monitors, CRT’s, PC’s, laptops, etc.)
- Test Equipment
- Cellphones (batteries removed)
- Digital Cameras (batteries removed)
- Consumer Home Electronics (Stereo’s DVDNHS players, tuners, TV’s, etc.}
- Miscellaneous Electronic Equipment
For further information, please visit America Recycles Day: Electronic Waste Recycling and Trivia – UTA Events Calendar.
Can’t make it
Can’t make it to a collection? You can drop off your e-waste at our facility in Coppell, without appointment, anytime during our regular business hours.
Operation Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
Location: 505 Airline Dr. Coppell, Tx 75019